EA ZAMAN BSTrend is very low DD.
If you want to test, please contact here.

EA ZAMAN BSTrend from Tanaka on Vimeo.
You tube is here.
Download link: EA ZAMAN BSTrend.ex4
EA ZAMAN BSTrend is very low DD.
If you want to test, please contact here.
EA ZAMAN BSTrend from Tanaka on Vimeo.
You tube is here.
Download link: EA ZAMAN BSTrend.ex4
Mr. Tanaka. I’m interested in updating this Ea Bstrend how can I get it to get it, which version is the current one?
Please contact. Thanks.
is it free?
I found a version on https://soehoe.id/
which one to use?
It is not free anymore. New version is available $20 only.
hi i have emailed you about Bs trend may you respond me