Re-coded :Maringale EA (step one more average 2.3 mtf)
This is martingale EA. I tested opposite signal close but the result is not good. Instead, I used order close based on equity percent. Below is the result.
This is martingale EA. I tested opposite signal close but the result is not good. Instead, I used order close based on equity percent. Below is the result.
This is a new martingale EA. Please play with it. By the way, if you use martingale, then lot size is changed. Basket profit dollar is based on lot size, so if lot size changes, basket profit daller is also changed. So your order close target is always chaned.You can check on the left size…
I have coded this EA very long time ago. But this time I copied to the new templete. If you use some filters, you will get the better result. EU TF H1 EMA filter
This EA has many arrow signals. So to avoid many orders. You can use order distance pips. EU H1 looks good!!
Nice! You can test it.
Yesterday was holiday. I code expert advisor from the indicator with martignal style. Rule: Open first trade if it is a loss open second with double lot and so on if win start over from 0.01. EU TF M1 PF=2.25 If you use order distance pips. the result is much better. This is used…
My friend helped me to do FT. Looks cool! Need to continue FT and modify to the best one!
My friend told me a hint. There is a correlation between 1.EU-EJ 2. GU-GP 3. AU-AJ If EA make orders for correlation pairs….. It will give an interesting result!! Don’t forget to close all orders at the same time once it reached to the profit you want!
WOW!? Looks good? PF=21.78 EU M1 No martin attack.. If you use volatility filter, it is much better!! USDJPY M5
I modified super arrow indicator EA. My friend asked me to update EA, like Open BUY/SELL order if the order is loosing then add an another order. But it should be loosing direction only. I coded and the resule looks better than previous one. EU (M5) I want to do FT but I have…
Today I coded EA_Solar Winds joy(revA). Many many private requests and I have not checked all.. Sorry.
EA_Impulse signal I used opposite signal close.. So, no tp/sl, just close with opposite signal. If volatility indicator is used , the result is much better..
I am updating a new templete. Sometimes you want to know max DD for you accout, right? Because you run many EA at the same time in many charts and you can know actual DD by your smart phone realtime but you also want to check total DD in your account. The new templete shows…
I have many frieds in all over the world… They always run EA as FT to get the result. They are pretty smart to optimize the EA. I coded this EA (RG white only) a couple weeks again. It is still alive!! NICE!
Your support is always welcome. Let’s enjoy the happy life together! —-If you want me to code EA, I will code for you! My bitcoin adress 3L44fQBK6JQEs4yVma2KpN4LpEFiosXH6j
EA is my life… I am coding hedge EA. It is based on BO EA. Maybe basket proft is good way to close all orders…..
I am coding EA now…. By the way my next goal is how I can reduce draw down lower..
すごいですよ! ドローダウンが非常に小さいのです。 マーチンゲールなしです。
Very nice! It is free!
もともとは これを、EU,NYだけ稼働すると さらに、24時間経過したやつは、自動で損切り。 あとは、重要指標だけEAを停止させます。これでいけそうかなあ。。。
fractal EAを作りました。 設定次第で、すごいことになります!!!
EA_i-FractalsEx(revA).ex4 バスケットプロフィットがいけそうですよね
TF =H1 とても美しい。。 ロジックは、こんな感じです。
パラメーターをいじっています。 いい感じになってきました。 BUYSTOP- SELL STOPもいれてみました。 こちらのほうが良さそうです。FTやってみますかね。
オリジナルEA 作成中です