This EA is very simple logic.

If bolinger band lower line > Price(high)   && MARSI<30, then BUY ORDER

If bolinger band upper line > Price(low)   && MARSI>70, then SELL ORDER

You can change parameters.

Trade chance is not so many, so you can use Multi-currency trade.

TP=50. SL=50.



RevA ——-Show Multi-currency pair input


12 件のコメント

    • Hi, usually attack martingale is every xxxx pisp, it is not smart.
      If you use smart martin, attack martingale order is placed when trend changed.
      So it is much better and it save your equity. I am smart!?

    • Hi, Did you set Use_MutiCurrency=true?
      If true, EA will trade in many pairs which you input.
      For example, if you want to trade EURUSD and GBPUSD, then just input EURUSD,GBPUSD (comma separated)
      and just open 1 chart and attach EA.
      You don’t have to attach many chart. Just open 1 chart only and attach EA.
      If you don’t want multi trade, just Use_multiCurrency =false.

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