This is EA cci candles with opposite close.
Buy order is closed with sell signal.
Sell order is closed with buy signal.
Please change cci period to find the best parameter.
GU TH H1 cci period=100

This is EA cci candles with opposite close.
Buy order is closed with sell signal.
Sell order is closed with buy signal.
Please change cci period to find the best parameter.
Mr tanaka san, can you make an EA which it will be using atr as a stop loss and make it 1.5 to 2 times the target profit?
I will try after 12-Jan-2021!
Ola Sr. Tanaka,Você já criou e testou a um longo período de tempo algum EA gratuito que seja consistente e que não tenha falido a conta pode me indicar um por favor?
2023.12.01 00:13:09.844 2023.01.01 22:13:57 cci candles (mtf + arrows + alerts).ex4 USDCHF,M30: Alert: You are trying to use renamed indicator